Let’s give this another go. πŸ˜€ I’ve got the beads grouped by category and they will be available from Trollbeads.com September 9, 2016. 

The collection is called Spirit of Life. All the descriptions in italics are from Trollbeads. 

Spirituality has that power of connecting people on a greater level. The feeling of unity is comforting and empowering-it encourages us to celebrate life and each other. Trollbeads’ “Spirit of Life” collection gives you the opportunity to live, share and tell your personal stories. 

Starting with the Group 1 priced silver beads ($31 USD/$36 CDN) they are as follows, left to right below:

Quiet Flower-If you are quiet enough, you will hear the universe. 

Only One You-There is only one you. 

Pumpkin Ornament-Hallowe’en isn’t just a day. It’s a state of mind.

Vision of Light-Every glimpse of sun is a possibility. 

Group 2 priced silver beads ($46 USD/$53 CDN) are as follows, left to right below:

Mexican Sugar Skull-Take a moment to remember your loved ones. 

Wisdom Weed-Ganja is considered the wisdom weed by Rastafarians. 

Symphony of Hearts-Listen to the soft tones of your heart. 

Chihuahua-A Chihuahua in your dreams means that someone close is trying to get your attention. 

Rise Together- We rise by lifting together. 

The Mexican Sugar Skull hangs well on a Fantasy Necklace. I would put something else with it and maybe not on the pale pink necessarily, but just wanted to show how it hangs. 

The Group 3 priced silver bead ($56 USD/$64) is below:

Indian Cress-Indian Cress originates from the Peru-home of ancient cultures and the Inca Empire. 

Same bead, different view. 

 Twisted Bangles in Copper ($55 USD/$63 CDN) and Silver ($105 USD/$121 CDN)- A stunning expression and elegant way to wear your favourite beads. 

It’s worth noting that the new bangles are exactly the same size as the smooth silver bangles. These are all a medium. 

Calcite Rock ($63 USD/$72 CDN)- Calcite is said to boost your memory and is essential to people working with healing. 

Feldspar Azurite Rock ($82 USD/$94)- Azurite helps to relieve stress and will enhance your creative gifts. 

Carolina Jessamine Studs ($57 USD/$66 CDN) and Carolina Jessamine Lock ($59 USD/$68 CDN)- Jessamine symbolizes friendliness, modesty and simplicity. The yellow jessamine is elegant with a delicate fragrance. 

Citrine Facet Tassel ($128 USD/$147 CDN)- Citrine is said to increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. (Just missing the ring, will add it later.)

Smoky Quartz Facet Tassel ($92 USD/$106 CDN)- It is said that smoky quartz proves that the light of love can displace even the darkest night. 

Here are both tassels together. 

The ring came in, so here it is. It’s called a Citrine Facet Ring and will be $195 USD/$224 CDN. 

The glass beads will be available all together as the Friendship Kit ($170 USD/$196 CDN) or individually. ($34 USD/$39 CDN). 

Soul of Flowers- “Each flower is a soul opening out to nature”- Gerard de Nerval

Nature Friendship- Appreciate all friends along the way. 

Nature Dream- The legend says that when you cannot sleep at night, it is because you are awake in someone else’s dream. 

Nature Unity- Where there is unity, there is strength. 

Soul of Waves- Slowly drifting- wave after wave. 

Soul of Sunshine- Do more of what makes you sparkle.

So, there’s an overview of the collection with photos all taken outdoors in natural light, so what you see here is the way I see it in real life. I’ve only had them a few hours, but took a couple of other photos. Please do let me know if you are interested in seeing anything in more depth and I’ll start with those next week on the blog. I really like this collection and can’t wait to make some combos! 

Have a great weekend!

Disclosure: For this blog I may receive some items as promotional samples.