Well, here we are in December of 2020 and today’s Beadmas is going to be a mental health check. The prize is as follows:

Free bead of your choice up to $65 value. (Reward will be provided as a “$65 OFF” OHMbucks coupon to the winner so that they may choose their prize. My OHM account required. Free shipping will be applied. )

This giveaway will close about 24 hours from now. To enter, simply answer the question, “How are you?”

(Cabin lady) Lisa, you are the winner! Please send me an email at marthnickbeads@gmail.com or message me on Instagram or Facebook.

*Thanks to all of you who participated. It’s been a rough go this past while, more so for some than others. I’m lucky that my husband and I have jobs. I beginning to feel a bit burnt out from teaching kindergarten during a pandemic, but will have two weeks off coming up soon. I am looking forward to re-charging my batteries. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year!