Graceful Sky by Trollbeads is one of those beads that can blend with a lot of other beads. The stock photo shows it being a fairly vivid purple/pink, but mine is quite pale and lavender. I know that it’s ideal to be able to choose beads in person and I was certainly thrilled to be able to do that last summer in Singapore, but I’ve also always been happy with the glass kits that have come in the mail. It helps to know that you might be getting something not quite like the stock photos though! Here is a photo of the Mysterious Ways Kit times three. Graceful Sky is the one third from the right on the top row. 


So, I was curious to see if this pale bead would go with my other pink Trollbeads. I think it does, but maybe it’s not the best way to use it. 

I put it on a bangle with the Troll Anemone Pendant. I think it helps to have some purple near it. 

Then I tried the copper bangle. 

Lastly, I put it with my two True Beadz True Touch Lilacs. I really like this combo as it brings out the lavender colour and the copper glitter. In the end though, I think Graceful Sky will look best with the rest of the Mysterious Ways Kit. Next week I’ll try out Floral Wishes and Wild Flowers and try a bracelet using the whole kit. 


Disclosure: On this blog some products I use I have received as samples.