We’ve been having such a great time in New York City! On the way here we stopped at Carlo’s Bake Shop of Cake Boss fame. One of my kids used to love the TV show and it was very exciting to go inside! This is Scaredy Squirrel from my husband’s Instagram account, @scaredytravels.

We had pre-ordered a Beach cake as my son really liked the episode where they made a really large one. The Cake was vanilla and chocolate inside and really tasty.

Next we had to drive through Manhattan to get to the hotel. That was absolutely insane! My husband stayed really calm and we used my phone for the navigation, which really helped.

The best view we’ve seen so far was of the Manhattan skyline from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. It was a great walk, just a little hot and humid though.

We’ve done all the touristy things including seeing the fantastic Broadway show The Great Comet. But Saturday was my day away from the boys and I got to have beads n’ coffee with the lovely April of Charm Bead Blog!

After checking out a Korean Beauty Store so I could pick up some Etude House products we headed onto the subway and over to where the Trollbeads NYC store is located. After a lovely lunch we went inside and met the store manager Kim, who has a charming set up inside.

I met some more ladies, including April’s friend Karyn, bead collector Carol and some of the ladies from the TrollbeadsUSA office. Here are the wrists of Kim and the TrollbeadsUSA ladies! I love Kim’s red and black combos!

So, knowing how a lot of people like myself rarely get to go into a Trollbeads store (although this has been twice in a month now!) I took some more photos and videos, just for fun.



Check out these Jumbo Uniques. If I didn’t already have my blue dragonfly I would have bought one of those.

More Uniques…

I was really happy to have some time to look at the silvers, as it’s sometimes hard to gauge the size from online photos.

Here are a couple more videos.





What I decided to purchase were two Green Rainbow Beads, which have such a shiny look to them and a Pastel Flower. When I got to the subway station I quickly made up a combo with the Green Rainbow beads.

And yesterday I took this photo while on the ferry boat to Staten Island. I am really enjoying the Dancing Butterfly Spacers with the Vision of Light bead in between.

I only brought a few beads with me on this trip and am already looking forward to getting home to make up some new combos. I did add a photo of the Ohm Beads NYC Panorama with the Statue of Liberty one blog post back. There is some beadmail waiting for me at home, so the next few blog posts will be Spiritbeads, Redbalifrog and True Beadz. Then there is the Trollbeads Autumn Collection, which in my opinion is really outstanding! Lots to look forward to! Hope you’ve enjoyed this little look at Trollbeads NYC and be sure to check out April’s blog if you haven’t already, because she posts articles about bead events as well as lets us know about artists we might not of heard of before.


Edited to add a photo from my last day in NYC.