There are 3 new True Beadz now available at retailers listed here, with two new glass beads that are wonderful additions to the line of True Opal colours ($40 USD). Also, a new silver dangle is absolutely going to be my go to necklace for back to school in September. Let’s take a look at all the Opal colours to date.

Below, left to right are (True Opal) Lagoon, Lilac, Mint, Cactus, Lemonade, Orange and Cement. So hard to choose a favourite! The new colours are Lagoon and Lilac.

The new silver dangle ($45 USD) is called Summer Time and it is patterned on both sides. I love it!

Clearly I’m a huge fan of the solid colours of True Beadz. I find them super useful and adore the look of the glass. At the beach the True Opal Lagoon looked gorgeous in between two True Opal Mints.

The Lagoon colour also looks wonderful with the black Dyed Hornbeam Wood beads.

The Lemonade colour looks striking with some green. In the middle is the True Beadz 3 Roses and on the left is Dragon Eyes Magic.

Now for some purple! The True Opal Lilac looks so lovely with grey.

I also like it with the True Opal Mint beads and the Blooming beads from Blooming Boutique.

Julia also sent me a True Instant Evening bead and wow!

I love this bangle with Dragon Eyes Destiny in the middle.

On either end are two Dragon Eyes Mystery.

Lastly, here is a pop of super bright sunshine with Dragon Eyes Destiny, True Opal Lilac, True Instant Evening, True Opal Lilac and Dragon Eyes Mystery.

I have thoroughly enjoyed playing with these beads and am really happy about the new silver dangle. It’s such a great size for a necklace and you could even add a smaller dangle alongside it and it wouldn’t be too heavy. I’ve noticed some people have already ordered True Opal Lagoon and/or True Opal Lilac. Let me know what you think of them!

Disclosure: These beads were provided as samples from True Beadz.