Hello! Continuing on with more pictures of the new Trollbeads, today I have a selection of beads from the Hope & New Beginnings collection. When I looked on the Canadian and American Trollbeads sites however, they don’t list the same beads for each of these 3 spring collections, so I have taken some liberties with what I am including today. Here is the description from Trollbeads:

The greatest stories always start from a new beginning and give us hope. At the beginning of the year a magic bean starts to sprout. Remember that flowers grow back even after the hardest of winters. As a fresh start to a new year, Trollbeads brings you a new release with hope and new beginnings. and give us hope.

Bead samples are provided by Trollbeads.com.

Let’s take a look at the rest of the glass beads. Together they are called the Fairytale Kit and are designed by Tenzin Phuntsok and Kalden Chopel.

Below, left to right, are Ice Castle, Siren Song, Fairy Tale Flower, World of Wonders, Magic Bean and Enchanted Rose Garden.

I also received the Round Green Onyx Facet Bead and the Enchanted Dragonfly Bead, pictured here with the Magic Bean Bead. I absolutely LOVE this green faceted bead and have worn it a few times on a chain with gold spacers.

Here is a photo to show how the new small faceted beads are pretty much the same size as the older round beads. I really like the size and might try to recreate this bangle for St. Patrick’s Day.

I challenged myself to make a bracelet using the Fairytale Kit. I’m not sure it was entirely successful. It’s not to my taste but hopefully someone will like it. I personally like super simple things these days, so would absolutely wear any one of these beads on a chain or a bangle.

I quite like the little gold heart on the Daisy Clasp. I think the Pink Desert beads do a great job of picking up the pink in the World of Wonders Bead.

The World of Wonders Bead makes me think of Easter and I think it’s really delightful. I put it with my Prehnite with Tourmalinated Quartz Beads (or as I call them, the grass beads). I think it would look better with a couple of blue beads, but couldn’t find the right shade of blue in my collection.

Look how gorgeous the Fairy Tale Flower Bead is up close.

I like it flanked by the blue glass shown below.

I had a really hard time taking a decent photo of the Ice Castle Bead. I thought it would look cute with a couple of Cicada Melody Beads.

Here are the three bangles together.

When looking at the Siren Song Bead, I thought it had similar colours to the Flower Thought Bead. I added in Butterfly Bliss, Flower Pride and Harmony in Flight and was pleased with the result.

Lastly, here is example of what actually wear these days! The green on the top of my hand is from bruising I got slamming my hand in an elevator door in Morocco at Christmas. Ouch! One bead on a chain, or a bangle with three glass beads is pretty much my daily jewelry. I love being able to concentrate on the beauty of one bead at a time, I must say. Maybe as I get older my brain can only handle so much? Or maybe it’s because I teach almost 200 kids and trying to remember all their names is all I can handle? Who knows?

That’s it for today! Next week will be the last post of my little three part series, with a few beads from the Protection collection. See anything here you like? I always love to hear your comments!

P. S. Here are a few videos showing my simple bracelets while on holiday.
